Gietz FSA 1060 Foil Commander
The flagship in performance
The Foil Commander is state of the art in hot foil stamping in all its forms, as well as in embossing, in debossing and in hologram application.
The machine undergoes constant development to increase productivity. It can be customised and retrofitted with various options at any time. When it comes to productivity, quality, and reliability the FSA 1060 Foil Commander is the machine of your choice.
Key benefits
- 8’000 sheets per hour
- High performance foil transportation system VACUFOIL
- 350 metric tons of pressure
- Dwell time 1 + 2
- Gietz POWER Feeder
- Gietz SMART Register
- Hologram application technology

Special features
- Longitudinal or transverse foiling operation
- Ergonomic movable swivel arm to house the motor-driven foil webs on 2 levels
- Suction channel frames with loop sensors to house the foil before pulling
- Suction board at press entry for foil web tension control
- Pneumatic vacuum device at press exit with adjustable blowing nozzles for foil separation
- Air cushion shafts to better support the foil travel
- Air induced draft fans with aspiration pipes to generate the vacuum
POWER Feeder
- Solid construction combined with high operating comfort for dynamic sheet transportation
- Inclined suction belt table at sheet infeed of 3°
- Automatic lateral adjustment of sheet guides
- Stepless de-piling and automatic lateral adjustment of main and residual pile
- Nonstop rack-of-swords-system for non-stop pallets
- Special timed rollers and bevelled sheet flap arrangement to ensure smooth sheet feeding
- Automatic suction head positioning
SMART Register
- Sophisticated scanning devices detect register marks
- Highly precise linear motors carry out the sheet positioning
- Pre-setting of all parameters by touch screen
Transverse foil feeding
- For special and demanding jobs
- The number of machine passes are reducible
- For blind embossing and foil stamping with different foil colours, one behind the other, in the sheet running direction